Dear friends

After much deliberation, I have decided to leave Facebook.

This was not an easy decision as many follow me there and for some it might be a disappointment. But social media is a time-consuming thing - time I'd rather spend writing. For this reason I will limit the number of my media. (Also, I have to admit that Facebook has never been my favorite. You may have noticed that from my infrequent postings.)

I would be happy if you follow me on Instagram instead. We are already over 10,000 there! On my official account (@wulfdorn_official) I keep you up to date about new books, tours and much more.

Thank you for your understanding and the loyalty you have kept me on Facebook for many years!


P.S. I will keep my FB page for a while so everyone can see the information. However, no more new posts will be added.

P.P.S. If you are contacted by FB pages with my name in the future, you can be sure that it is a fake!